One of the leading wires and cables manufacturers in the world, RR Kabel does something extremely emotional for the electricians of the city, that goes on to even tug at the heartstrings of people across the country.
Being closely involved with the electrician community, RR Kabel is a brand that understands their big-city struggles and that of staying away from their families. Through the ‘Bridging Distances’ campaign RR Kabel brings electricians, hailing from different parts of the country, face-to-face with their families through the virtual medium.
In this new campaign, unknown to the electricians, teams of RR Kabel crew are deployed to various villages of India to set up virtual connections at these electricians’ homes. Meanwhile, here in the city, the electricians are called to an office on the pretext of repair work. Just as they start work, the video of their dear ones comes alive on a TV nearby. What follows is a mixture of surprise, disbelief, overwhelming emotions and wordless gratitude that needs to be seen to be believed.
Talking about the campaign Kirti Kabra, Director, RR Kabel said, “Electricians are our everyday brand ambassadors. The campaign is an endeavour at ‘Bridging Distances’ – Connecting these electricians, who in search of livelihood have left their homes behind, with their dear ones. With the help of technology and cables, we wanted to brighten their day, just the way they light up our homes.”
Spearheading the creative digital campaign Porus Jose, Creative Director, IdeateLabs stated, “In the last few years, technology has advanced exponentially. However, very little of its effects has trickled down to a large section of the society. Bringing our electricians and their families together on a digital platform is the brand’s way of thanking them.”
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